Friday, September 18

Pastures New

So it's been a long while since I posted anything.

Just, then, briefly to think about where I've been...

After a fairly frustrating stint (personally speaking... the kids were great, I had other issues to contend with) I'm at a new school. All of the staff seem... open... which is fabulous. Enthusiasm is high (despite Ofsted looming) and now all I need to do is to get my head into the figures, as I'm maths co-ordinator just to top things off.

So, after two years of teaching I feel I'm finally in a strong enough position (in terms of experience) to start making the most of my IT background now, really trying to make good use of technology in whatever we're looking to do. To assist with that, I'm starting to make great use of Twitter - which is incredible as a resource - and look to other practitioners to see how they use technology in their lessons.

To sum up what I've found out... I've still got a long way to go. But we're going to have fun getting there :)