Perhaps unsurprisingly, our new son (now 11 weeks) has taken a fair proportion of my attention. But also, my continued Bible studies have expanded horizons far beyond anything I expected when I attended an Alpha course just 12 months ago. The challenge here is one of balance; I could quite easily spend all of my time (or free time, rather, but that's a whole other juggling act given that I am quite attached to our house and need to pay the mortgage) on either pursuit, but I want to do both.
To those of you who have children - isn't it incredible just how much time can be spent simply gazing and watching them absorb the world around them? Ted is a joy. It took him a while to get the hang of eating - I was worried he wasn't my son for a while ;) - but he's definitely on top of things now and has grown at an astonishing rate. Last weighed at 10 weeks, he was the length of an average 17 week baby (and the weight of a 16 week one). Even a slight lactose intolerance didn't put him off his stride, although his new lactose-free "formula" has made meal times far more relaxed.
On the other hand... Since I came into faith just over 12 months ago things haven't stopped developing in that arena, either. Admittedly the nightly Bible reading has suffered while Ted settles into our routine (and we into his), but between helping with the Alpha course this time around at St Michaels and joining a Bible study group I find myself constantly wanting to learn and understand more.
Shouldn't complain, I guess. There are worse dilemmas with which to be saddled.