Tuesday, December 16

Just idly thinking...

I consider myself as part of the infamous "Generation X" - slacker ethic, the works... So will Ted be "Generation X+1"? If so, then what sort of messages will he pick up from his parents about work ethics? I am rather terminally unmotivated by work ambitions, but his Mum is a real committed worker (something I'm almost jealous of at times) - wonder which way he'll go? Hopefully not just the "path of least resistance".

Monday, December 8

A lovely weekend for all, I hope

For our part, we went visiting Nikki's brother Pete. Had a fabulously relaxing time, in spite of Ted having a cold (we think) or at least some lurgi-or-other for most of the weekend. He rallied by the Sunday, when for breakfast he demolished an all-time record 10oz of milk! Normality resumed, smiles all around.

Thursday, December 4

Sheesh, but I'm tired!

Ted is still on his "3am snack" habit, and both his parents are starting to crack a little under the pressure - gradually, RL is taking a back seat until such time as he settles back into a more normal sleep pattern.

Tuesday, December 2

Hmm.. a total blank today

I honestly can't think of much to say at all, really. I blame Ted - he hasn't been sleeping as well since his most recent injections and is also now apparently hungry at 3am every day. This is in spite of a healthy 8oz bottle at each of his other 5 feeds!

Nikki thinks that he is getting close to being ready for weaning, as he is quite a large baby for his age. Only thing is he is too young at present (14 weeks today) and so we're going to persevere until he is considered old enough to safely process solids (only another couple of weeks, in reality, thankfully).

All things aside, though, I am still amazed by the strength of feeling that is engendered just by Ted looking up at me and smiling. I'm such a baby's Dad.