Wednesday, July 14

Wild Warhol

Had such fun with our Y1/2 class today.

First, let me remind you that that isn't my normal class. It's that time of year when we do class swaps and, as I'm leaving, I got to fill-in for one of the new teachers who couldn't make it in.

So, my basic premise for the day was "Going Wild". First, we watched an animated version of Maurice Sendak's "Where the Wild Things are" from YouTube. Then the children used the New York Zoo and Aquarium "Build Your Wild Self" application to generate their own "wild thing" which they wrote about, thinking about what they'd eat and also what they'd do all day.

Finally, for the end of the day I took a "Wild Self" that we'd all helped create, used Sumo Paint to reduce it just a black and white outline, then after showing and talking about a brief Warhol-style slideshow, the children picked 3 (sometimes 4) colours and coloured-in a picture each which I then mounted on a blind in the classroom (quick maths link - 24 in the class so, thinking about arrays, how can I arrange them into a rectangle?).

I had fun, I think they all did , too :)

Tuesday, July 13

All Change

So... I just looked back over my last blog post. How things change. Through a combination of factors, some personal some professional, I've just never "clicked" at this school - so by mutual agreement I'm moving on.

I'm now looking forward to a new challenge - moving up to KS3 to teach ICT. Just a slight change from Y3/4 where I've been this year! My main advantage, here, is the 13 years of development experience which does help me just a little with the subject knowledge side of things. Of course, I now have to change my approach slightly, as I'm fairly certain that Y7,8,9 won't respond to exactly same sorts of things as Y3,4.

Such is life - should be a good year. I know I'm going to work on it :)