Monday, October 23

Half time *ahem* term

So here I am, on half term. For a break, I'm moonlighting back at my old company for the week (albeit on short days) to help with the luxuries in life, like paying bills ;)

It's been a fantastic start, all things considered; my class teacher is giving all the support I could wish for, my mentor (the school head, as it happens) is similarly positive and helpful. I've been observed leading numeracy "mental starters" (which, for those who don't know are the first 5-10 minutes of any numeracy lesson these days) and I'm comfortably leading lessons (I was going to put "confidently" there, but I don't want to stretch your credulity too far).

That's ahead of my expectations for the first half-term. Still, there's a looooong way to go from here - thankfully I'm really enjoying the ride.

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