Saturday, March 3

One week down - stress levels up

Well, that was the week that was... interesting. And a little, um, rushed.

It all started well, with an "inset" on Monday which saw me once more assuming a default position - in front of a computer! Tuesday went relatively smoothly - I had to cover story time at the end of the day, which went well (discipline is a lot easier at this level).

Wednesday was in college; a truly depressing lecture on applying for jobs. Basically, I need to be applying now and, in Nottinghamshire at least, the competition level will be high with some applicants being last year's batch of NQTs. Eep!

Thursday started well enough, the literacy lesson was okay (I missed out a section, but the children won't know as we covered it all in the plenary anyway) but the day ended with a particularly dreadful migraine. Ugh!

Friday was okay, I guess, with me actually managing to see my class teacher teach all morning before I then led the next literacy lesson and a further story time in the afternoon (as my class teacher had a review to attend in her role as SENCo).

So next week the fun begins in earnest!

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