Tuesday, September 26

Book Review (the first of many, hopefully) - The Language of Discipline

Finally waded through my first non-fiction book (completely, as in all of, as in from start to finish) in... let's see... um... ages. Definitely months. Almost certainly years.

I read a classroom behaviour management tome by Bill Rogers, "The Language of Discipline: Practical Approach to Classroom Management"; and a fine book it was, too. It wasn't all rocket science, by any means, in fact there were several parts which, as a parent, rang very familiar indeed. But even those ideas were expanded upon to make them relevant to a "whole class" scenario. Thoroughly recommended.

As a footnote, I'm starting "How Children Fail" by John Holt; so far, so depressing. All I'm being told in the opening pages is how many ways children have of pretending to learn wihtout actually learning. Way to go!



Anonymous said...

shouldn't that be "discipline"?

Mr Harcombe said...

*sigh* Yes